Ajax Uploader

Online Demo (C#)

In order to assist developers evaluate Ajax Uploader, as well as to provide tools for rapid application development, we supply several samples and online interactive demonstrations.

1. Simple Upload with Progress
A basic sample demonstrating the use of the Upload control.

2. Selecting multiple files for upload
Ajax Uploader 2.0 allows you to select multiple files and upload multiple files at once.

3. Simple Upload with Progress (Customizing the UI)
A sample demonstrating how to customize the look and feel of file upload controls.

4. Simple Upload with Progress (Custom Validation)
A sample demonstrating how to create user-defined validation functions for an upload control.

5. Uploading multiple files like GMail
Google's GMail has a nice way of allowing you to upload multiple files. Rather than showing you 10 file upload boxes at once, the user attaches a file, you can click a button to add another attachment.

6. Large File Upload
Ajax Uploader allows you to upload large files to a server with the low server memory consumption.

7. Persist Uploaded File through Postback
A sample demonstrating how to persist the selected files during page postbacks. Ajax Uploader can hold an object temporarily and you can save it anytime you want.

8. Simulate File Upload
A sample demonstrating how to use .Upload method to simulate a file upload event.

9. Uploading multiple files (Limit the maximum allowed number of files to be uploaded)
This example shows you how to limit the maximum allowed number of files to be uploaded. In the following example, you can only upload 3 files.

10. Start uploading manually
This sample demonstrates how to start uploading manually after file selection vs automatically.